Understanding Kavanah

Kavanah is a Hebrew word that means intention. To me, that means you can wake up and have life happen to you or you can bring a conscious and meaningful approach the challenges you face on a daily basis.  My intention  as your Spiritual Guide is to help you be proactive in that endeavour;  connect to who you are and how you live your life with meaning and purpose.

How does spiritual guidance work?

Spiritual Guidance is a process for exploring our connection with what we experience as Spirit, Truth, Ultimate Values, God, however we express and understand the sacred in our lives.

Unlike Psychotherapy, which may focus on a problem needing a solution, Spiritual Guidance attends to the experiences of connection to or distance from our core values and sense of spirituality. Often during our journey we encounter profound challenges and yearn for meaning and connection.

As Rabbi Shawn Zevit says:”While hearing the concerns of their directees, spiritual directors, facilitate spiritual development, as they take note of the way in which what is expressed reveals alignment or distance from the sacred and balanced life as each person, community or organization experiences this Force or Energy in the world.”

Spiritual Guidance Sessions may take place one-to-one, in a group relationship, faith community or organization as a whole.

Spiritual Directors create a safe and sacred space for directees to explore their unique path to meaning and connection to all that is available. In the swirl of life we can create a point of stillness and cultivate the tools that help facilitate spiritual growth.